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If you want to chat with other collectors and dealers, visit the Collectors Universe Currency Forum

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing's (BEP) takes you to the official government site of the BEP for some interesting information and facts on all of our US currency.

US Papermoney will take you to a site that is full of information on everything you ever wanted to know about our US currency. Almost everything anyway. Very cool site!

The American Numismatics Association (ANA) is a professional organization for those who want to further learn about US coins and currency.

PMG and PCGS are the only two TRUE independent currency-grading services available. I highly recommend these two companies for those of you who want to get their currency certified and graded for insurance purposes or simply, a peace of mind.

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3 Notes Found

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Fr.-BC-45bS 1967 $1 Canada Ser. 0000000213 PMG 66 EPQ
Here is something you rarely see or come across. You never see these Canadian Centennial Specimen sets for sale anywhere. This set consists of two multi-faced 1967 $1 Canadian Dollar bills that are punched canceled with the words Specimen across the bill....
Added: 2/8/2012 Views: 4875 Price: $1,950.00


Fr.-BC-46a 1973 $1 Canada Up-Down Ladder Pair Ser. MU1234567-MM7654321 PMG 65 EPQ
This is a very interesting and unique presentation set of 1973 $1 Canadian dollars. What are the odds of having an up ladder, serial number MU1234567 and a down ladder, serial number MM7654321 together as a set? In all my years of collecting fancy serial...
Added: 2/8/2012 Views: 4862 Price: SOLD

Fr.-BC-47a 1974 $1 Canada Ser. RU8888888 PMG 66 EPQ
This nice 1974 Canadian $2 bill is part of a collection of Canadian notes I picked up at the Long Beach show this past Feb. Solid serial numbers is always a collectors favorite on any series of notes. The serial number is R/U 2222222 with the signatures o...
Added: 2/27/2012 Views: 4765 Price: $1,950.00

3 Notes Found

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